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Online Platform for Portuguese

The Online Platform for Portuguese, available free of charge at https://pptonline.acm.gov.pt, presents content for the acquisition of European Portuguese by adult speakers of other languages.

Although it does not confer any type of certification, it is a tool that allows the user to practise the language in the linguistic activities of listening comprehension, reading comprehension and written production. It also allows to learn and extend the vocabulary and knowledge of Portuguese grammar.

The contents are organised into 24 functional thematic modules, presented in text, audio, video and image formats, distributed over two levels – level A and level B.

The Platform is available in four languages – Portuguese, English, Spanish and Arabic – and to start learning it is only necessary to fill in the registration form.

For more information contact the Portuguese Language Learning Promotion Office (GLPt), of the High Commission for Migration (ACM, I.P.), via e-mail to pptonline@acm.gov.pt.

Portuguese Host Language (PLA) Courses

The Portuguese Host Language (PLA) courses (formerly known as Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages (PFOL) or Portuguese for All (PPT)), created within the scope of Ordinance No. 183/2020, of 5 August (amended by Ordinance No. 184/2022, published on 21st July), are promoted by the public schools, by the directly and participated management centres network of the Employment and Vocational Training Institute (IEFP, I.P.) and by the Qualifica Centres network.

PLA courses certify levels A1 + A2 and B1 + B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and are aimed at citizens aged 16 or over, whose native language is not Portuguese and/or who do not have basic, intermediate or advanced skills in Portuguese language according to the CEFR.

The certification of level A2 or higher, obtained under the framework of PLA courses, makes proof of knowledge of the Portuguese language for the purposes of requesting Portuguese nationality, granting permanent residency and long-term resident status.

PLA courses are organised by competences and training references that are included in the National Qualifications Catalogue (CNQ), to which correspond the levels of language proficiency according to the CEFR and the respective workload.




