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The aim is to create the conditions for the processes of recognition of academic qualifications, relative to elementary, secondary or higher education, as well as to professional qualifications obtained outside of Portugal, to be completed as swiftly and effectively as possible, through the necessary procedures with the competent entities for the effect: Direção Geral de Educação – DGE (Directorate General of Education) and Direção Geral do Ensino Superior – DGES (Directorate General of Higher Education).

Equivalence / Recognition of Foreign Qualifications for Elementary and Secondary Education


Create the conditions for the processes of equivalence / recognition of qualifications, studies and diplomas, of elementary and secondary level, obtained outside of Portugal, to be completed as swiftly and effectively as possible.

Competent Entity

The application for equivalence / recognition of qualifications is done at the schools of the respective area of residence, in national territory, with their formalisation being conducted via a specific application form, provided by the school, in conformity with the standard application presented on the website of the Direção Geral de Educação (DGE).
All the rest of the information about the processes of equivalence / recognition of qualifications, such as the documentation to be submitted, deadlines, schedules, among others, are available on the DGE website.


Decree-Law 227/2005, of 28 December – defines the system for granting equivalence of qualifications of foreign educational systems to qualifications of the Portuguese educational system at the level of elementary and secondary education – as amended by
Statement of Rectification 9/2006, of 6 February
Implementing Order 224/2006, of 8 March;
Implementing Order 699/2006, of 12 July;

Recognition of Higher Education Academic Degrees and Diplomas


Create the conditions for the processes of recognition of higher education academic degrees and diplomas, obtained outside of Portugal, to be completed as swiftly and effectively as possible.

Competent Entity

The recognition in Portugal of higher education academic degrees and diplomas, awarded by foreign higher education establishments, is carried out by the Direção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) in articulation with the Committee for Recognition of Foreign Degrees and Diplomas, and has been regulated, since 1 January 2019, by Decree-Law 66/2018 of 16 August.
In order to enlarge the group of States of which the academic degrees and diplomas can be recognised automatically, this Committee issued a list that can be consulted on the DGES website.


Decree-Law 66/2018, of 16 August – Approves the Legal System for Recognition of Higher Education Academic Degrees and Diplomas awarded by Foreign Higher Education Establishments;
Implementing Order 33/2019, of 25 January – regulates procedural aspects for recognition of academic degrees and diplomas awarded by foreign higher education establishments.

Recognition Professional Qualifications


Provide citizens, as well as the assistance centres of other Member States, the necessary information concerning recognition of professional qualifications established in the law, namely about the systems of access and practice of regulated professions, including labour, social security and ethical issues.


Order 6518-A/2019, of 18 July: Designates the Direção Geral do Emprego e das Relações de Trabalho (DGERT) to perform the duties of coordinating entity and assistance centre, and create the committee to monitor the application of the system of recognition of professional qualifications.
Law 26/2017, of 30 May: Facilitates the recognition of professional qualifications and reduces the constraints to the free movement of people.




