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The Programa Regressar is transversal, involving all the governmental areas and different public administration services, being conducted at three levels:

An inter-ministerial coordination commission responsible for analysis and evaluation of the programme’s implementation and the definition of strategic guidelines for the pursuit of its objectives.

A network of focal points transversal to all governmental areas which ensures the contribution of the bodies, services and entities of each governmental area for the definition, articulation, convergence and implementation of the measures, actions and projects foreseen in the programme.

A structure referred to as the Ponto de Contacto para o Regresso do Emigrante (PCRE), which is responsible for the implementation of the Programa Regressar. The PCRE is primarily entrusted with:

  • Ensuring the implementation of the Programa Regressar, in articulation with the governmental areas responsible for its implementation;
  • Promoting, in articulation with the competent services of the governmental area of foreign affairs, the communication, among the Portuguese communities, of the existing job opportunities in Portugal;
  • Promoting, in articulation with the competent services of the governmental area of foreign affairs, the communication, among Portuguese emigrants and their descendants who wish to return to Portugal, of aggregate information on the measures that assure and support this return upon arrival;
  • Supporting and ensuring the follow-up, in articulation with the competent services of the governmental area of foreign affairs, the Portuguese emigrants and their descendants who wish to return to Portugal, by simplifying the necessary administrative procedures and decisions for their return;
  • Referring the eligible applicants to the different solutions established in the Programa Regressar, without forestalling the action of the entities responsible for the implementation of the programme’s specific measures;
  • Promoting the articulated management of the existing measures, in close collaboration with the entities responsible for their implementation;
  • Monitoring the application and impact of the measures included in the Programa Regressar in articulation with the entities responsible for their implementation;
  • Submitting half-yearly reports on programme implementation.