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The Medida de Apoio ao Regresso de Emigrantes a Portugal aims to encourage the return and settlement of emigrants or family members of emigrants in Portugal.

In order to encourage the return and settlement of emigrants or their relatives in Portugal, the Medida de Apoio ao Regresso de Emigrantes a Portugal (Support to the Return of Emigrants to Portugal Measure), created by Implementing Order 214/2019, of 5 July, amended and republished by Implementing Order 373/2019, of 15 October by Implementing Order 36-A/2020, of 3 February, Implementing Order 23/2021, of 28 January and Implementing Order 114/2023, of 2 May establishes the granting of financial support, through IEFP, to emigrants or their relatives who start working as an employee in Mainland Portugal, with conclusion of an employment contract, and co-payment of the expenses inherent to their return and that of their household.

When the costs inherent to the return of workers and their household are supported by the employer entity, the latter can be reimbursed by IEFP.

All the rest of the information can be found on the portal IEFP.




