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Financial Support to Return

Applications are open for the Medida de Apoio ao Regresso do Emigrante (Support to the Return of Emigrants to Portugal Measure), comprising financial support for emigrants who are starting to work as an employee in Mainland Portugal. This financial support is escalated according to the size of the household associated to the return and also foresees supplementary support for co-payment of expenses related to the return journey and transport of household items to Portugal, as well as any expenses related to the recognition of academic or professional qualifications.

Learn more on the Regresso a Portugal page of the portal of the IEFP – Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional.

Return Credit Line

The Linha de Crédito Regressar (Return Credit Line) has been available since 19 September 2019, with its objective being to support business investment and the creation of new business ventures in Portugal, as well as to assist entrepreneurs who are Portuguese and their descendants who return to Portugal, enabling them to build the conditions to create new business ventures and make business investments.

Tax System for Former Emigrants

Under the Programa Regressar a tax system has been created for emigrants who return to Portugal. This system, established in article 12-A of the Personal Income Tax Code (CIRS), enables excluding from taxation 50% of the income received from dependant work, business and professional income.
Learn more through the Guia Fiscal das Comunidades Portuguesas (Tax Guide of the Portuguese Communities), available on Portal das Finanças (Ministry of Finance portal), where you can also find clarifications on other tax-related issues that could be applicable to Portuguese resident abroad.

Programa Regressar



